This learning and action series builds from the foundational belief that in order to effectively diversify our workforce, we must first create lasting environments and professional pathways for Educators of Color to thrive.
Over the last year, participating teams worked on district priorities around retention and recruitment while learning from regional and national experts. This year we will dive more deeply into last year’s learnings by focusing our topic areas on the “Opportunities of Practice” named by our participating districts last year.
Additionally, our ongoing work as a regional convener for the LEADER initiative continues! LEADER is a multi-year, multi-system project to align our higher education and district systems around diversifying the educator workforce. This statewide initiative will support our regional work with resources, staff, and a leadership team of local experts who represent teachers and administrators of color, higher education partners, tribal, community and student voices, who will inform and support this work. We will keep you updated on our progress and our ongoing work with our higher education partners.
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