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Puget Sound Online Learning Cooperative


Puget Sound Online Learning Cooperative (PSOLC) is a K-12 program that allows districts to provide students the opportunity to engage in anytime/anywhere academic learning through a platform called Imagine Learning (formerly Edgenuity).

  • Students stay enrolled in their home district.
  • PSESD provides expert program implementation support.
  • K-5 learning options include 4 or 6 courses per semester.
  • Grades 6-12 courses available per semester with or without tutoring support.
  • Districts can choose to utilize their own teachers or Imagine Learning’s WA-certified teachers

Benefits of Puget Sound Online Learning Cooperative

Joining the PSOLC allows districts to take advantage of a regional network, offering robust program support and keeping students locally-enrolled.

  • Students stay enrolled in, and connected to, their home district through state ALE approval
  • Flexible model includes multiple staffing, course, and student support models
  • Regional PD, with access to shared resources and regular networking sessions
  • Program implementation support:
    • Leadership Coaching
    • TA support for special education and multilingual programs
    • Educational Technology coaching and resources
  • Centralized provide PD
  • Priority support from, and regional pricing for, Imagine Learning services
  • Data and reporting support

District Responsibilities:

Districts maintain enrollment of students under the state ALE model, and are responsible for supporting their students’ participation in Imagine Learning courses by:

  • Designating a key point of contact within the district for Online Learning support
  • Completing OSPI ALE certification, with support from PSESD
  • All OSPI required reporting and documentation
  • Ensuring equitable and effective Internet access, including devices and connection, for interested students and families
  • All educational support services (e.g., Special Education, ELL, etc.)


Trinh Pham
PSESD Director of Educational Technology

PSOLC Website