Getting Started
Log into pdEnroller
Go to and click LOG IN at the top right of the page. Find events in your area by selecting an ESD/District from the “Choose Region” drop-down list.
Manage Your Account
Click on your first name at the top right of the page. From the drop-down list, you can access your Profile, change your password, view your registrations (My Events), access your Clock Hours transcript, view events where you are the trainer (My Presentations), and more!
Keep Your Profile Current!
Don't get locked out of your account when you change employers! You can add secondary emails to your account and choose which to make your primary login.
pdEnroller FAQs
Check out this webpage for commonly asked questions:
PDEnroller FAQ's
pdEnroller Website Support
Look for the "Support" link at the bottom of each page on this site. You can select Support, Bug or Suggestion. If you are having trouble with a specific webpage on the site, be sure to copy and paste the web address (URL) in the form.