Embedded with Racial Equity
To begin our shared learning, the ELA Fellows cohort read and discussed Ibram X. Kendi Defines What It Means to Be an Antiracist, and applied his definition to our roles as educators. This introduction to our cohort will provide our lens for examining our practices and beliefs across the year together. An antiracist lens informs our learning in the content area as well; research in The Opportunity Myth calls us to focus on grade-level texts and tasks to ensure that all students have the opportunity to excel. We examine three elements of our content practices to ensure equity and access: the Habits of Mind outlined in Students Who are College and Career Ready in Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking; formative assessment design with guidance such as Achieve the Core's Checklist for Evaluating Question Quality; and culturally-responsive and sustaining pedagogy such as Zaretta Hammond's Ready for Rigor framework.
Additional Resources
UnboundEd's Equitable Reading Instruction: Immersing Students in Grade-Level Reading and Thinking provides a framework for literacy instruction that is consistent with PSESD’s approach with Fellows.
Choosing Scaffolds for Complex Text and Scaffolds for Distance Learning. Created for leaders in the PSESD region, this outlines the same type of supports in a synchronous, asynchronous, and low/no-tech platform, a structure learned from Achieve the Core.
Facts and Figures
28 ELA Fellows this year
10 new ELA Fellows (some regions have one or none)
13 districts: Bellevue, Bethel, Fife, Highline, Kent, Lake Washington, Muckleshoot, Peninsula, Renton, Riverview, Seattle, Steilacoom, Tacoma